A Report on the State of the Arctic in 2017
Our title for today is borrowed then modified from the title of a Global Warming Policy Foundation report entitled “The State of the Climate in 2016”. The associated GWPF press release assures us that:
Our title for today is borrowed then modified from the title of a Global Warming Policy Foundation report entitled “The State of the Climate in 2016”. The associated GWPF press release assures us that:
David Whitehouse has just published an article on the Global Warming Policy Forum web site entitled “How The Recent El Nino Saved Climate Models“.
The article itself is of course straight off the GWPF’s porky pie production line, but in the small print at the bottom there is this “Shock News!”:
Read more on Shock News! Finally, the GWPF Corrects a Mistake!!…
For some relevant background to this weekend’s dose of “Alternative Facts” from David Rose in the Mail on Sunday you may wish to peruse this article in our sister journal “Alternative Facts Wetware™“:
Read more on David Rose’s Climatic Alternative Facts and Deceptions…
Halloween is a little way away still, but nonetheless I have a horror story to tell you. Are you sitting comfortably?
As our regular reader(s) will be aware we have been following the fortunes of the plucky little yacht Northabout on her Arctic circumnavigation with great interest. That includes the series of reports about the voyage on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme. Even recent passers by may have noticed that we were none too pleased with the most recent episode in the series!
Read more on The Son of the Blog of Fools Gets Arctic Sea Ice Horrifically Wrong…
Our title for today is a reference back to a 2015 article by Paul Homewood on his “Not A Lot Of People Know That” blog, in which he told a load of old porky pies about the National Snow and Ice Data Center’s graphs of Arctic sea ice extent. Only last week Mr. Homewood cooked up another pile of porky pies concerning the Danish Meteorolical Institute’s Arctic sea ice extent metric. Now he has turned his pie baking skills to the Multisensor Analyzed Sea Ice Extent (MASIE for short), which is “a prototype collaborative product of the National Ice Center and NSIDC”.
Read more on Gross Deception About MASIE and the Sea Ice Index…
You may possibly be aware that here in the United Kingdom the charitable status of the so called “Global Warming Policy Foundation” was challenged in 2014. As the BBC reported in 2014:
I’ve recently been mud wrestling with pigs again, over at “Watts Up With That” in the comments below an article entitled “Friday Funny: ‘civil dialog in the climate world’”, which begins as follows:
Anthony Watts has been telling porky pies again. He claims his blog is “The world’s most viewed site on global warming and climate change”, which may or may not be true. However Anthony published an article earlier today entitled “NSIDC Mark Serreze’s sea ice ‘death spiral’ no longer ‘screaming’ on the way down, now termed to be ‘erratic & bumpy’“, which most certainly contains an inaccuracy or two.
Read more on Mark Serreze and the Arctic Sea Ice Death Spiral…