How to Upset a Global Warming Sceptic

We are proud to bring you this blast from Steven Goddard’s past, reprinted with permission from

In the first of an occasional series under the “Shock News” banner we reveal how to upset a global warming sceptic in three easy stages.

  1. Smell something fishy about a headline that states “New Ice At The North Pole” on July 2nd 2013 and examine “the evidence” from presented to substantiate this assertion:
Satellite image of sea ice near the North Pole on July 2nd 2013, courtesy of
Satellite image of sea ice near the North Pole on July 2nd 2013, courtesy of
  1. Post a link to an alternative view of the same scene from NASA Worldview:
Satellite image of sea ice near the North Pole on July 2nd 2013, courtesy of NASA EOSDIS Worldview
Satellite image of sea ice near the North Pole on July 2nd 2013, courtesy of NASA EOSDIS Worldview
  1. Indulge in a little light hearted banter
A little light hearted banter on July 3rd 2013
A little light hearted banter on July 3rd 2013
  1. QED!
  1. Hence no opportunity to present any “real scientific” evidence about what’s really happening to the Arctic sea ice near the North Pole:
Thermistor temperature profiles for IMB 2012J
Thermistor temperature profiles for IMB 2012J

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